Are you looking for feedback, but unable to get to a show?
SAGA Equine is excited to offer online schooling shows.
January 2023 show entries are now open.
Closing Date: 1/31/23
Judge: Sara Justice “L”
Show Results Posted: 2/7/23 – Ribbons awarded for 1st – 5th places. See below for details.
See the FAQ’s below for more details. It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Use the buttons below to enter.
Step 1

Choose Your Test
Step 2

Submit a Video of Your Ride
Step 3

Get Your Score Sheet & Ribbons
Online Schooling Show FAQ’s
Online schooling show’s are a great way to get a judge’s feedback without actually having to go to a live show. These shows are conducted through video submissions directly from your home or boarding facility arena. The details of the shows are outlined below. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Virtual Schooling Show Rules
Entries: All entries must be completed using the entry form above and submitted online.
Tests: The SAGA Equine Online Schooling Shows accept entries for the most current USDF, WDAA and USEA Dressage tests.
Show Dates: One virtual schooling shows will be held each month January – May. Videos submissions for each will be accepted over a one month period, beginning at 12:00 AM (EST) on the 1st of each month and ending at 11:59 PM (EST) on the last day of the same month. All videos must be received within the this time period to be evaluated by the judge for that month’s show.
Show Results: Show results will be emailed to all participants and also posted on
Ribbons & Placings: Ribbons will be awarded for 1st – 5th place. Ribbons will be mailed to the address indicated in the shipping address of the entry. Show management reserves the right to combine tests within a level based on the number of entries in each test/level.
Videos: Videos may be submitted using Youtube, Vimeo or other video program. Video titles should include the Rider’s Name, Level & Test and the show date (i.e. – Jane Doe – USEF Training Level Test 1 – January 2023).
Videos should be taken from the standard judge’s position behind “C” with the camera placed a few feet behind the letter “C.” Keep the horse in the last 1/3 of the field of view with the horse’s hooves in the bottom 1/3 of the field of view. This allows for more accurate judging. When riding centerlines, keep the horse in the center of the field of view. Arena letters must be visible in the video. These do not need to be professional grade arena letters. You can use milk jugs, cones or buckets labeled accordingly.
Videos should be filmed in landscape and zoom should be used when rider is at the other end of the ring. In the large ring (20m x 60m), zoom should be 3.5-4 typically. In the small ring (20m x 40m), zoom should be 2-2.5 typically. Reduce the zoom when horse crosses over X or when movements are performed at C. For movements performed at C, keep the horse’s head/neck connection and feet in the field of view.
Judge reserves the right to decline any video due to poor quality. Please review your video for clarity and appropriate lighting prior to submission. Whenever possible, it is best to provide video with natural lighting. A request for new video footage will be sent to the registrant’s email address provided in the registration below if quality does not suffice for judging.
Arenas: Arenas size can be Standard/Long (20m x 60m) or Shortened (20m x 40m) unless indicated specifically in the test. Standard letters must used and placed appropriately around the arena.
20m x 40m measures 66 ft x 132 ft.
20m x 60m arena measures 66 ft x 197 ft.
Please see the diagrams to the right for letter positioning.
6m = 19 ft. 8 7/32 in.
12m = 39 ft. 4 7/16 in.
14m = 45 ft. 11 3/16 in.

Tack & Equipment: Tack and equipment rules follow the same rules and guidelines that would apply at a live horse show for your dressage affiliation (USDF, USEA, or WDAA). Special considerations may be given.
No martingales, bell boots, splint boots, polo wraps or non-permitted bits or bridles.
Please contact us if you have a special request.
Attire: While we do offer some latitude in attire. Light colored clothing makes it easier for the judge to see you and provide the best feedback. Helmets and proper footwear are required.